Calaveras Big Tree State Park
Trees State Park is located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada about
20 miles east of Angels Camp off California Highway 4. Calaveras Big Trees
State Park provides sanctuary to one the few remaining groves of Sierra
redwoods. These magnificent trees once dominated the cone-bearing forests
of Northern California. The park features two groves of some of the oldest
living redwood trees in California. Calaveras offers hiking trails, picnic
areas and a few campgrounds.
The Northern Sierra Miwok lived peacefully among the big trees of what is
now Calaveras Big Trees State Park until the middle of the 19th century.
In the foothills at lower elevations, the Miwok Indians hunted Tule elk
and American Pronghorn antelope. They gathered numerous seed-producing grasses,
and various forbes.
If you are planning a river trip on the North Fork of the Stanisluas river,
this State Park is worth the visit. Many groups utilize the visitors center
parking lot as a perfect location to get organized in the morning.
Visit the Calaveras Big Trees site for more information
Images courtesy of All-Outdoors
California Whitewater Rafting